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breast augmentation


Breast augmentation is clinically referred to as augmentation mammaplasty.


Breast augmentation and augmentation mammoplasty are plastic surgery terms for the breast-implant and the fat-graft mammoplasty approaches used to :-


  • Increase the size.

  • Change the shape.

  • Alter the texture of the breasts of a woman.


Breast augmentation can:


  • Increase fullness and projection of your breasts.

  • Improve the balance of your figure.

  • Enhance your self-image and self-confidence.


As a primary reconstruction, augmentation mammoplasty can be used to reconstruct a breast after removal of cancerous lumps or mastectomy, or to reconstruct a birth defect of the chest and or breast where there is failure of the breast development.  As an elective, cosmetic surgery, primary augmentation changes the aesthetics of healthy breasts.


What is Breast Augmentation surgery?


Simply put, Breast Augmentation surgery is the surgical insertion of silicone or saline breast implants into the breast.  There are various incision points and placement options but your personal physiology will play a role in how and where Dr. Schoenfeld will approach your surgery.


Would I be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery?


Breast augmentation is a very personal procedure and you should do it for yourself, not for someone else.


You may be a candidate for breast augmentation surgery if:

  • You are physically healthy.

  • You have realistic expectations.

  • Your breasts are fully developed.

  • You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small.

  • You are dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or with aging.

  • You are unhappy with the upper part of your breast appearing “empty”.

  • Your breasts are asymmetrical.

  • One or both breasts failed to develop normally or have an elongated shape.


Many patients find it helpful to review breast augmentation before and after photos during the decision-making process to have surgery.  The ideal patient for breast augmentation surgery will have realistic expectations and be at her ideal body weight.


Other factors to consider:


  •           Current size and shape of the breasts.

  •           Skin elasticity.

  •           Desired outcomes.


What breast augmentation surgery won't do:


Breast augmentation does not correct severely drooping breasts.  If you want your breasts to look fuller and to be lifted due to sagging, a breast lift may be required in conjunction with breast augmentation.  Breast lifting can often be done at the same time as your augmentation or may require a separate operation.  Dr.Schoenfeld will assist you in making this decision.


The Surgical Procedure


Step 1 - Anesthesia

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The choices include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.


Step 2 - The incision

Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. You and your plastic surgeon will discuss which incision options are appropriate for your desired outcome. Incision options include:

Incisions vary based on the type of breast implant, degree of enlargement desired, your particular anatomy and patient-surgeon preference.  Dr. Schoenfeld typically performs either the infra-mammary incision or the peri-areolar incision.


Step 3 - Inserting and placing the breast implant

After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either:

A. Under the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement), or

B. Directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a submammary/ subglandular placement)


The method for inserting and positioning breast implants depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your body type and your surgeon’s recommendations.  Dr Schoenfeld typically uses the sub-muscular placement and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various options as well as your desires with you.


The type and shape of the implant may also vary, with there being advantages and disadvantages to each option.  Dr Schoenfeld usually recommends the use of silicone gel implants.  These have been shown to be safe, and usually have a more natural feel.  The details will be discussed during your consultation.

Step 4 - Closing the incisions

After placement of a small drain (plastic tube) the incisions are closed with layered dissolving sutures in the breast tissue and with dissolving sutures to close the skin.  The drain is placed in the breast to allow any fluid to escape. This is usually removed the day after surgery.

Over time the incision lines will fade.


Step 5 - See the results

The results of breast augmentation are immediately visible however it will take time for the tissues to settle and the final result will not be evident until after a few months.  Dr Schoenfeld will show you before and after photographs during your consultation.


How long does the surgery take?


In general, breast augmentation surgery averages around 60 minutes. Once the surgery is complete you will be required to wear a post-surgical bra for a minimum of 6 weeks, to protect the final result.


It is of utmost importance to keep your post-op follow-up appointments with Dr. Schoenfeld for dressing changes and after care updates.


Breast augmentation recovery


During your breast augmentation recovery, you will be taken into a recovery area to be closely monitored following surgery.  Your breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings and an elastic bandage or support bra will minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal.  You may be permitted to go home after a few hours.


Before leaving, you will be given specific instructions that may include how to care for your breasts following surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the risk of infection, and when to follow-up with your plastic surgeon.


You may be instructed to wear a support bra around the clock for the first 4-6 weeks.  Initial wound care will be done by Dr Schoenfeld / her nursing staff. Thereafter you will be given instructions as to how to care for your wounds so as to get the best possible scars.  Be sure to follow all instructions carefully.


You will need to rest and recover for a period of a few days post operatively.  You can commence driving again once your pain is sufficiently minimized and this may take anything from a 3days to a week.  You will likely experience soreness and swelling for a few weeks.


Exercise and normal activity can resume at the direction of Dr.Schoenfeld but typically any heavy lifting and chest exercises are to be avoided for 6 weeks.


Your breast augmentation consultation


During your breast augmentation consultation be prepared to discuss:


  • Why you want breast augmentation surgery, your expectations and the desired outcome.

  • Medical conditions, drug allergies and previous medical treatments.

  • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drug use.

  • Family history of breast cancer and results of any mammograms or previous biopsies.


Dr. Schoenfeld will also:


  • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.

  • Examine and measure your breasts, including detailed measurements of their size and shape, skin quality, and placement of your nipples and areolas.

  • Take photographs.

  • Discuss your options and recommend a course of treatment.

  • Discuss likely outcomes of breast augmentation and any risks or potential complications.


Be sure to ask Dr.Schoenfeld questions.


To help, we have prepared a few questions that you can take with you to your consultation.  Click to see the “Questions to ask” document.


It’s very important to understand all aspects of your breast augmentation surgery.  It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress.  Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with Dr.Schoenfeld.


Combination procedures


Being a relatively short procedure, Breast Augmentation surgery is often combined with Breast Lift surgery, Liposuction and Tummy Tuck procedures. If you are considering undergoing multiple procedures, please make the reception aware when booking your consultation with Dr. Schoenfeld, as you will need time to discuss each procedure individually including risks and possible adverse reactions.


Breast augmentation words to know


  • Areola:  Pigmented skin surrounding the nipple.

  • Augmentation mammaplasty:  Breast enlargement or breast enhancement by surgery.

  • Breast Augmentation:  Also known as augmentation mammaplasty; breast enlargement or breast enhancement by surgery.

  • Breast Implants: Medical devices placed in your body to enhance an existing breast size or to reconstruct your breast. Breast implants fall into two categories: saline breast implants and silicone breast implants.

  • Capsular contracture:  A complication of breast implant surgery which occurs when scar tissue that normally forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant and becomes firm.

  • General anesthesia:  Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.

  • Hematoma:  Blood pooling beneath the skin.

  • Inframammary incision:  An incision made in the fold under the breast.

  • Intravenous sedation:  Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.

  • Local anesthesia:  A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.

  • Mammogram:  An x-ray image of the breast.

  • Mastectomy:  The removal of breast tissue, typically to rid the body of cancer.

  • MRI:  Magnetic Resonance Imaging; a painless test to view tissue similar to an x-ray.

  • Periareolar incision:  An incision made at the edge of the areola.

  • Saline implants:  Breast implants filled with salt water.

  • Silicone implants:  Breast implants filled with an elastic gel.

  • Submammary or subglandular placement:  Breast implants placed directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle.

  • Submuscular or subpectoral placement:  Breast implants placed under the pectoral muscle, which is located between the breast tissue and chest wall.

  • Sutures:  Stitches used by surgeons to hold skin and tissue together.

  • Transaxillary incision:  An incision made in the underarm area.

  • Ultrasound: A diagnostic procedure that projects high frequency sound waves into the body and records the echoes as pictures.


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Midlands Specialist Centre


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Dr Bronwen Schoenfeld

Midlands Specialist Centre

104 Main Street l Howick 

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